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Joe Biden Gets Absolutely Roasted After Tweeting ‘We Leave No Veteran Behind’

  |   By Lou Dobbs Staff

Joe Biden’s Twitter/X account published a message yesterday saying ‘we leave no veteran behind’ and it provoked a strong reaction from other users on the site.

Some users were quick to point out the disaster of the Afghanistan withdrawal, others noted the fact that we still have homeless veterans in our country while illegal immigrants are put up in hotels.

The backfire was massive.

Here’s the Biden tweet:

In America, we leave no veteran behind. pic.twitter.com/O5iw3ASaGV

— President Biden (@POTUS) May 22, 2024

Here are some of the responses:

Joe Biden abandoned 13 U.S. service members to dįe in Afghanistan.

He’s lost his right to ever speak about our military again.

— Paul A. Szypula (@Bubblebathgirl) May 22, 2024

You forgot about them, didn’t you. We didn’t. pic.twitter.com/gDqp7OJQq3

— Sara Rose (@saras76) May 22, 2024

Fact Lies & Fiction

DISGUSTING Joe Biden Checks His Watch During The Dignified Transfer Of 13 American Heroes Killed By His Incompetence. pic.twitter.com/jfMrJnlm8I

— Pismo (@Pismo_B) May 22, 2024

13 dead young warriors at Abby Gate would like a word.

— Buzz Patterson (@BuzzPatterson) May 22, 2024

https://t.co/PAuGxjUuE1 pic.twitter.com/di1qaNSMMc

— John Hasson (@SonofHas) May 23, 2024

More veterans will die this year awaiting treatment by the VA than have died in combat this entire century. https://t.co/yeKMjoEpG8

— mitrebox (@mitrebox) May 22, 2024

Kiss my ass, you piece of trash https://t.co/9u25QBlOft

— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) May 23, 2024

The chutzpah of the guy in charge of the Afghanistan withdrawal tweeting this… https://t.co/XOAZ1qztMR

— Arthur Boreman (yes, that Arthur Boreman) (@ArthurBoreman) May 22, 2024

How many homeless veterans are there?

How many illegal aliens are receiving cash, food and housing from you? https://t.co/E9fEwMkMO9

— TimOnPoint (@TimOnPoint) May 23, 2024

Uh-oh. Last time he spoke like this, he abandoned our hostages in Gaza. https://t.co/XehOEfKVQK

— Marina Medvin (@MarinaMedvin) May 23, 2024

There’s 35,574 homeless veterans

— Secular Talk (@KyleKulinski) May 23, 2024

Joe Biden is trolling… right… right…

He knows the American people haven’t forgotten what he did in Afghanistan. https://t.co/n49sL9X16w

— Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) May 23, 2024

Biden’s social media team clearly didn’t think this through before posting.

The post Joe Biden Gets Absolutely Roasted After Tweeting ‘We Leave No Veteran Behind’ appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.