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Mark Zuckerberg Admits to Joe Rogan that the Biden Admin “Forced Us to Censor Content Related to COVID-19 Vaccines” – Confirms Arguments Made in Ongoing Murthy vs. MO SCOTUS Lawsuit

  |   By Lou Dobbs Staff

In August, billionaire Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, who is CEO of the company renamed as Meta, admitted in a letter to Judiciary Chairman Jim Jordan that the social media giant was subject to government censorship around stories related to COVID and the 2020 election and that he would, in the future, fight such efforts harder than he did previously.

This Biden-Harris Censorship Industrial Complex changed policies against the political right at Amazon, YouTube, Google, Facebook, among others. The Republican-led House has been holding hearings all summer documenting the nation’s largest and most extensive violation of the First Amendment in history.

The Republican-led House held hearings all summer in 2024 documenting the nation’s largest and most extensive violation of the First Amendment in history.

Facebook alone, in less than a year, took down over 20 million pieces of content.

Zuckerberg’s letter made these five key admissions:

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  1. The Biden-Harris Admin “pressured” Facebook to censor Americans, in what other court filings refer to as coercive demands.
  2. Facebook subsequently censored Americans.
  3. Facebook censored Americans and suppressed information related to COVID-19.
  4. Facebook suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, because it was told by the intelligence community that it was “Russian disinformation” which is now known to be a complete lie and fabrication.
  5. Zuckerberg and the company regrets censoring Americans on behalf of demands by the federal government and would resist it more strongly in the future.
  6. Zuckerberg would not be making another major donation to far-left election officials to subsidize their election efforts in this election cycle.

On Thursday, Mark Zuckerberg admitted to Joe Rogan that the Biden Administration “forced Facebook” to censor and eliminate content relates to COVID-19 Vaccines.

Mark Zuckerberg:  The administration when they were trying to roll out the vaccine program. I’m generally pretty pro-rolling out vaccines. I think on balance, the vaccines are more positive than negative. But I think that while they’re trying to push that program, they also tried to censor anyone who is basically arguing against it. They pushed us super hard to take down things that were honestly were true. They basically pushed us and said, anything that says that vaccines might have side effects, you basically need to take down. And I was just like, We’re not going to do that. We’re clearly not going to do that. I mean that is…

Joe Rogan:  Who is they? Who’s telling you to take down things that talk about vaccine side effects?

Mark Zuckerberg:  It was people in the Biden administration. I think it was… I wasn’t involved in those conversations directly, but I think was…

Joe Rogan:  How difficult is that to not be involved in those conversations directly? Fitness isn’t just.

These admissions are very important because the federal courts are still hearing the case in Missouri v. Biden, in which the states of Louisiana and Missouri are challenging Biden-Harris’ violations of the First Amendment on behalf of their affected citizens.

On June 26th, the Supreme Court in a horrible opinion connected to the Missouri v. Biden litigation, written by Justice Amy Coney-Barrett, said that the government could continue suppressing free speech around elections and political topics while the case was working its way through the lower courts. The 6-3 decision, joined by Justice Kavanaugh, was a major free speech setback dealt by federal courts that don’t hesitate to protect pornography and flag burning, but hesitate, vacillate, and refuse to protect Americans who simply want to opine to their friends on social media about vaccine mandates.

It later emerged that one of Justice Coney-Barrett’s clerks working on the case has close personal connections to major hubs of the censorship complex at Yale.

Gateway Pundit Founder and Publisher Jim Hoft is the lead Plaintiff in the Missouri v. Biden case. The case is described by free speech champions as the most important First Amendment case in a generation.

The Missouri v. Biden case is so Orwellian that it emerged during discovery that the government considers the thoughts of its citizens as ‘critical infrastructure’ so that the government can then justify doing almost anything to combat ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation.’

Latest Government Report Reveals 10 Times Biden Regime Pressured Facebook to Take Down What Ended Up Being Truthful Information on COVID and the Vaccines – And The Gateway Pundit Was One of Its Primary Targets

These Zuckerberg admissions come as a result of conservatives claiming that this was happening for years, including in 2018 when James O’Keefe and Project Veritas first revealed the way social media companies were ‘shadow banning’ and otherwise ‘throttling’ content. When billionaire Elon Musk purchased Twitter, he also released internal documents to selected journalists called “The Twitter Files” which similarly showed a pattern of ongoing speech suppression and relationships between the U.S. intelligence community and social media companies where key staff positions were being filled by deep state operatives. The 19-part series of releases so far was truncated when Musk last December, whose businesses are all reliant on heavy state spending and subsidies, revoked or restricted access to the designated journalists and considered the matter closed.

These admissions by Mark Zuckerberg will definitely help the plaintiffs in the Missouri v. Biden lawsuit as the case proceeds.

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