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Morehouse College Graduates Turn Their Backs on Joe Biden as He Delivers 2024 Commencement Address (VIDEO)

  |   By Lou Dobbs Staff

Joe Biden Sunday morning delivered the 2024 Morehouse College commencement address in Atlanta, Georgia.

Biden, a lifelong racist who once told blacks they “ain’t black” if they don’t vote for him, was given an honorary doctorate degree from the private historically black men’s liberal arts college.

“Congratulations, Dr. Joseph Biden,” Morehouse President David Thomas said.


Biden, a lifelong racist and chronic liar, is given an “honorary degree” pic.twitter.com/Hk4hAEBIUD

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 19, 2024

Biden lied and said he ran for office “to embrace the cause of civil rights.”

Joe Biden was never involved in the civil rights movement. This is one of his favorite lies.

Biden — who routinely lies about being a civil rights activist — says he ran for office “to embrace the cause of civil rights” pic.twitter.com/ERz94lyDyU

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 19, 2024

Some of the Morehouse graduates turned their backs on Joe Biden as he delivered his commencement address.

“As Biden spoke, roughly six students in the crowd sat turned away from him. Though Biden did not reference the action directly, his remarks touched on the “anger and frustration” felt by many Americans over the war, including by members of his own family.” NBC News reported.


Morehouse College graduates turn their backs on Crooked Joe Biden pic.twitter.com/jf9d5bVQbF

— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) May 19, 2024

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