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VIDEO: President Trump Does a Flyover above TENS OF THOUSANDS at MEGA MAGA RALLY Patriots in Trump Force One before his Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey!

  |   By Lou Dobbs Staff

President Trump is set to deliver remarks to a massive crowd of roughly 80,000 supporters at 5 pm tonight in Wildwood, New Jersey.

Many, including Congressman Jeff Van Drew (R-NJ), are calling this the largest political rally in the history of New Jersey.

Doors to the event opened at noon Eastern. At approximately 2 pm, there were thousands still lined up awaiting entry:

MASSIVE crowds inside and out for Trump in #Wildwood, NJ

Definitely more than 40k pic.twitter.com/kYTS8nf43r

— Jordan Conradson (@ConradsonJordan) May 11, 2024

President Trump did a flyover of the MEGA MAGA crowd before he landed today.

This was incredible!

NOW: Trump Force One does a flyover of the 80,000+ patriot crowd in Wildwood, NJ

This rally is going to be INCREDIBLE! pic.twitter.com/npZkY5rLy8

— Nick Sortor (@nicksortor) May 11, 2024

Here’s another video of the flyover with the crowd reaction!

Moment’s ago

Presidential Trump performed a flyover of his Wildwood NJ Beach Rally pic.twitter.com/x2UZ0Pu6cc

— Mark Naughton (@MarkNaughton9) May 11, 2024

The post VIDEO: President Trump Does a Flyover above TENS OF THOUSANDS at MEGA MAGA RALLY Patriots in Trump Force One before his Rally in Wildwood, New Jersey! appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.