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Jordan: Clear & Present Danger To The Swamp

  |   By Lou Dobbs Staff

Congressman Bob Good thinks the 20 GOP Representatives who voted against Jim Jordan on the first vote weren’t really voting against Jordan but lodging a protest vote for one reason or another. Good is still confident they’ll get Jordan elected Speaker, however long it takes. Good says he’s heard very little in the way of public explanation from the 20 on why they’re opposed to Jordan other than disappointment or disapproval over McCarthy or Scalise. But now we have one candidate and he has 200 votes.

Good says momentum is building for Jordan after the first round and believes they will get to a unanimous decision or 217 in short order. Representatives all answer to their constituents and Good believes the 20 are hearing overwhelmingly to vote for Jim Jordan, the 2nd most popular Republican in the country. He hopes they will listen and vote Jordan for Speaker soon. The country will be better off for it, the Republican Party will be better off for it and their ability to fight the Biden agenda will be stronger as a result of electing Jim Jordan as Speaker.