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Mills Rescues Americans, Wants Jordan Speaker

  |   By Lou Dobbs Staff

American Hero Congressman Cory Mills knew from the failed Afghanistan withdrawal in 2021 that nothing had changed in the Biden Administration, they still had a complete crisis of leadership. So Mills took it upon himself to rescue Americans trapped and stranded in Israel. He paid for it all himself, using not a penny of taxpayer funding, just because Americans needed help. Every other nation including Mexico sent planes to get their citizens out immediately before Biden reacted. Mills says the Defense and State Department Secretaries and the President had no plan and no strategy to get Americans out despite having the power of all of government. But Mills says they just don’t seem to care. Any time Democrats are happy, the Republicans are losing. We need a strong fighter in the House and that’s Jim Jordan. The Republican Party hasn’t fought hard enough to get what we need from a Constitutional and Conservative faction. Please call your Representatives to tell them you want Jim Jordan to lead the House of Representatives: (202) 224-3121

To help rescue stranded Americans, go to: www.neverforgotten.org