Rep. Scott Perry says the Impeachment Inquiry is now necessary to subpoena additional bank records and emails. He says they have a mountain of evidence that leads to what appears to be a high level of corruption in the Biden family with volumes of banking Suspicious Activity Reports (SARS) showing $20 million dollars was transferred to the Biden family. The inquiry will give them ability to learn where the money came from and who it went to. $20 million is not an insignificant amount of money. Perry says the SARS Reports are there for a reason.
Twenty separate shell companies you’d only use if you’re trying to launder money which is illegal. What was Joe Biden’s connection to these things? If he wants to clear his name, Perry says he can provide all the information or else the GOP will have to go find it. Right now it’s heading in the direction of implicating him very directly in what looks like money laundering, influence peddling, and perhaps bribery and extortion. Perry says Congress has a duty.
The American people need to know if their president is selling out their country for his own personal gain. Perry would like to see subpoenas go out the end of this week and says they need to start looking overseas because of allegations from the FBI Whistleblower about how money was being laundered and hidden from view. Citizens are under attack from their weaponized govt. and Perry promises the Republicans are at war against tyranny.