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By Category:   “News”
Beware the CIA

Beware the CIA

Former CIA Analyst John Gentry says Obama’s plan to fundamentally transform America played a major role...
Harvard's Plagiarist President

Harvard's Plagiarist President

Dr. Carol Swain was disappointed when she found out that her work had been stolen by Harvard President...
University Faculties Are Marxist Radicals

University Faculties Are Marxist Radicals

Cornell University Law Professor William Jacobson says we now know what radicals mean when they say...
'Time for Democrats to Freak Out': MSNBC Gets Real on Dems Over WSJ Poll [Watch]

'Time for Democrats to Freak Out': MSNBC Gets Real on Dems Over WSJ Poll [Watch]

While discussing a recent Wall Street Journal poll, MSNBC Morning Joe panelist Donny Deutsch said it's...